Get ready for the NFL Draft with Peyton Manning

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NFL Hall of Famer Peyton Manning is stepping into a new role to help upcoming NFL Draft prospects prepare for the big night. In Nationwide's latest ad campaign titled "Draft Night Drills," Manning is using his experience as the 1998 NFL Draft #1 pick to guide draftees through various scenarios they may encounter.

The campaign, which includes a 30-second commercial, showcases Manning coaching fictional prospects on essential aspects of Draft night, such as selecting the perfect outfit and mastering the art of embracing the commissioner. Reflecting on this initiative, Nationwide's Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Ramon Jones, highlighted the brand's longstanding partnership with the NFL and its commitment to assisting individuals in planning for their financial futures.

Manning, who has been a spokesperson for Nationwide, expressed his enjoyment in bringing back memories through the campaign. He mentioned, "It was fun to parody some of those signature moments that people expect during the NFL Draft."

The collaboration between Manning and Nationwide not only aims to provide entertainment but also serves as a reminder of the importance of preparation and support for NFL prospects as they embark on a significant milestone in their careers.


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